
Pie Chart showing Claims Multiplier including Litigation, Magment Quality, Security & Upkeep and Physical Exposures

LiabilityRQ allows insurers to better assess SME liability risk using Octagram’s 5 key liability risk components:

  • Litigation: Combining company-specific litigation history with the litigiousness of the operating environment

  • Management Quality: Quality and risk choices of each company’s management

  • Security & Upkeep: Indicators of poor security and safety measures

  • Physical Exposures: Business and location specific factors to increase understanding of the physical exposures driving liability frequency

  • Claims Multiplier: Area factors that may increase the likelihood that an incident becomes a claim, and that a claim becomes severe

Octagram understands the challenges of both economics and volume for insurers with SME liability products. We work with clients to create bespoke scoring for high-volume, low touch liability